Symbiont™ Technology

Uniquely programmed plant cells that continuously express biomolecules.


Biomolecule Production & Delivery

In vivo

On Plant Biomolecule Production and Delivery

How it works

  • Symbionts are designed to provide on-host production and delivery of biomolecules to control plant disease pathogens, insect, mite and nematode pests; positively affect specific plant productivity characteristics, such as flowering pattern, plant height, root health, or modify plant responses to abiotic stress – all without sprays or genetic modification to host plants in a range of agronomic, horticultural, forestry, and other crop industries.

  • Symbionts establish cell-to-cell connections with the host plant’s vascular network. Through this internal network Symbionts continuously deliver specific biomolecules that they have been programmed to produce.

  • Symbiont technology is anticipated to completely redefine many of the existing production methods, bringing constructive changes to the supply chain. Localized manufacturing reduces transport, storage, and handling while eliminating mixing and spray applications. Symbiont technology is expected to bring unprecedented sustainability with magnitude reductions in energy expenditures and environmental impact.

  • Virtually anyone that uses plants, agricultural and horticultural crops, commercial and native forests, ornamental trees, and shrubs should benefit from this novel technology.

In Vitro

Biomolecule Production

How it works

  • Using plant cells, Symbiont Technology can efficiently, sustainably, and continuously produce peptides, proteins, small domain antibodies, and other biomolecules as high-value stand-alone and value-added products for a wide range of applications.

  • Pre-programmed Symbiont plant cells grow inside a closed system into which they continuously express biomolecules.

  • Biomolecules secreted by Symbionts can be efficiently extracted and purified without disturbing the continuous production.

  • Those in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, nutraceutical, animal health, agriculture, and food & beverage industries utilizing peptides, proteins, small domain antibodies, RNA-interference, and other biomolecules.


